Good Afternoon, after noon is a wonderful time of day, however, every time of day is quite sublime and they all have their own magic for every creature who is willing to witness and enjoy. In the afternoon and early evening is when many animals come out to eat. There are times of day that draw specific animals out to explore the physical world and find food and friendship. What kind of animal are you? Are you an early bird, an night owl, or an evening fawn? figure it out and then look up those animals and they will tell you a lot about your nature in this life. Animals are easier to walk into than human beings, but I have walked into all of the above. Just fun ways for me to connect with my physical friends and loved ones. I am watching over and visiting many… you know who you are. If you think of me fondly, and feel me in your heart or miss me, I have been there for you. I am here for all humanity, as I was when I was alive, why would it be any different now.